Téma WordPress úvodní stránky Rio-Medical - Medical Center
og体育首页ONE - Neomezené stahování pro $12.40/měsíc
Version 1.5.1 - 06.07.2023
- Fixed anchor menu links for secondary pages - slash will be automatically added to links if you use an anhors links in your menu
- Added new page templates: Fullwidth Blank (without parallax section), Fullwidth (with parallax section), With Left Sidebar, With Right Sidebar
- Updated "MIM Elementor Widgets Add-on" from version 1.4.0 to 1.5.9
- Updated demo import file
- Updated installation documentation
- A lot of CSS minor changes and fixes
Version 1.5.0 - 03.03.2023
- Added new option in "Theme Settings" section to edit "Make an Appointment" button text in header
- Fixed display of news on the news and archive page
- Fixed breadcrumbs on all pages
- Fixed plugin installation and activation in bulk error
Version 1.4.2 - 17.02.2023
- Updated "MIM Elementor Widgets Add-on" plugin from version 1.5.1 to version 1.5.4 in "required-plugins" folder;
- Updated demo import file;
- Some other minor style changes/fixes
Version 1.4.1 - 09.01.2023
- Fixed duplicate navigations dots for post slider on main page;
- Fixed icons hovering over text in conatct form on About page;
- Added new "MIM Elementor Widgets Add-on" plugin as required;
- Added new gallery section on main page;
- Removed "Unlimited Elements for Elementor" plugin from required;
- Removed "!important" value of width, height and background-color for swiper-pagination-bullets;
- Updated "MIM Elementor Widgets Add-on" plugin from version 1.3 to version 1.5.1 in "required-plugins" folder;
- Updated demo import file;
- Some other minor style changes/fixes
Version 1.4.0 - 23.08.2022
- New "MIM Elementor Addon" plugin was added;
- All required plugins and demo were updated
Version 1.3.0 - 14.08.2022
- All required widgets are included in theme with new exclusive plugin - you no need to import them using "Unlimited Elements for Elementor" plugin anymore, but still can use that plugin as recommended
- Added update option for new plugin - user will get new addons for Elementor with future updates
- Updated installation documentation
Version 1.3.0 - 27.04.2022
- Theme update checker is now available - users can easily update theme using WordPress admin-panel. Check documentation folder for details
- Fixed Whats`App social link in footer
- Updated installation documentation - section "Theme Update" was added
Version 1.2.0 - 26.04.2022
- Changed images in "Our Services", "News", "Contacts" section and on "About us" page
- Updated publish dates of news
- Added more functionality to widgets from Unlimited Elements plugin - they are more editable now (fonts, backgrounds, margins etc.)
- All CSS-styles of widgets from Unlimited Elements plugin are placed in widgets CSS blocks now
- Fixed tablet adaptation for feature columns on main page
- Fixed mobile adaptation for slide content box of service block on main page
- Added navigation arrows support for doctors slider widget
- Fixed "falling" effect of background in parallax section on main page
- More pretty looking nav dots for sliders
- Added "Check all news" button under post slider on main page
- Fixed small margin between buttons in video section for mobile devices
- Updated installation documentation
- fixed static text in header parallax section on "About Us" page
- added excerpt support for pages - it can be displayed it in the header parallax section of all pages
- more compact title and subtitle on "About Us" page for mobile devices;
- fixed underlines under h2 titles on "About Us" page for mobile devices
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